Natural hormone replacement therapy

What is hormone therapy? Does hormone therapy help Menopause? Do men need hormone therapy? What are the benefits of hormone therapy? Synthetic Vs Bio-identical HRT?

What is Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a medical treatment that involves the use of hormones, typically estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone for women, and testosterone for men. The goal of the treatment is to restore hormones that the body no longer produces in adequate amounts as we continue to age. The treatment is customized to each individual's needs and may involve regular blood monitoring to ensure hormone levels are properly improved.

Does hormone therapy help with Menopause?

Absolutely. Menopause is a natural phaze on women’s life when the period stops. Thus producing less hormone such as estrogen and progesterone. The hormone depletion can cause a variety of symptoms which can be treated to minimize or end the menopause hormone transitions. 

Do men need hormone therapy?

Absolutely. Men do not have menopause symptoms but they can definitely benefit from HRT. The highest peek for hormone levels in a male are in their twenties. Every year after, the levels of testosterone decreases bringing symptoms like: lack of energy and focus, less sex drive, weight gain, etc. Thus, it is extremely important to replace Male hormone levels to maximize body functionality, feel great and prevent a few aging health conditions.


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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the HRT therapy benefits?

These are some of symptoms that are addressed during HRT :

  • hot flashes
  • energy levels
  • Focus 
  • Sleeping pattern
  • night sweats
  • mood swings
  • vaginal dryness
  • decrease in sex drive
  • Arthritis
  • body fat 
  • prevent certain aging health conditions.
What are the different methods to deliver HRT treatment?
  1. Pill or Troche: taken orally, usually once a day. Available for a variety of hormones.
  2. Patches: they are placed over the skin, usually on the abdomen or buttocks delivering a steady dose of hormones into the bloodstream.
  3. Creams or gels: HRT creams and gels are applied topically to the skin, usually on the arms or legs, and are absorbed through the skin.
  4. Vaginal Ring: It is used to treat vaginal dryness and other symptoms of menopause.
  5. Injections: Hormone injections are administered at the clinic or for individual usage, in the muscle and it delivers greater absorption for males.
  6. Pellets: Pellets are small rice-sized sterile product that is inserted under the skin, usually in the hip or buttocks. They release a steady dose of hormones over several months. It provides a consistent and steady dose of hormones helping to alleviate all the symptoms caused by hormone imbalance.
What are the most common types of HRT?
What are the most common types of HRT?
Who is a candidate for HRT?

HRT is recommended for both men and women. Women who are experiencing symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, mood changes, lack of energy, etc. It may also be used to prevent osteoporosis in women who are at high risk. Men are also a great candidates for testosterone therapy to maximize their body performance and slow down aging.

What are the potential side effects of HRT?

Some of the potential side effects of HRT include bloating, breast tenderness, headaches, mood changes, and vaginal bleeding. HRT may also be an increased risk of certain health conditions, such as breast cancer, stroke, and blood clots.

Is HRT safe?

The safety of HRT depends on a variety of factors, including the type of hormone therapy used, duration of treatment, and patient’s individual health risks. It is important to discuss the risks and benefits of HRT with a healthcare provider before beginning the treatment.

How long does HRT typically last?

HRT can last one day up to six months depending on the deliver method used. There is no right or wrong answer for how long a patient can be on HRT treament. That decision relies on how long each patient wants continue to feel great. Please ask a license provider to achieve the desirable goals.

Can HRT be used for other purposes besides menopause?

Yes, HRT may also be used to treat hormonal imbalances caused by other medical conditions, such as hypothyroidism or adrenal insufficiency and certain types of cancer.